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Connection to Care - a collaborative project between BCACC and BCMSA

Monday-Friday 7am - 10pm

778-247-2273 (CARE)

Work Stress

Work stress occurs when the demands of your job surpass your ability to cope. It can lead to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and exhaustion, impacting both mental and physical health.


10 Best Stress Management Tools for Employees

10-Minute Tools for Managing Stress

Managing stress doesn’t have to take a big chunk of time. Small chunks can work just as well–and that’s one of the keys to managing stress in a busy life.

Bullying & harassment

How to Resolve Conflict in the Workplace (With Strategies)

My Workplace Mental Health

Work-Life Balance

8 Steps To Effectively Handle Workplace Conflict

Worksheets/Information Sheets

Stress Management Tips


1-hour public presentations from Clinical Counsellors:

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